AOIR conference: First impressions

After my 8-days-roundtrip of the Pacific Northwest, I’ve come back to Vancouver on Tuesday where the „Internet Research 8.0: Let’s play“ conference kicked off last night. Actually, there was kind of a pre-pre-kickoff meeting on tuesday night at a bar close to one of the conference hotels, suggested by Simone Heidbrink and Nadja Miczek from Heidelberg University, which was pretty nice. It ended with Paul Teusner and me stopping over at a club right next to the hotel – but jetlag soon took its toll.. :)

This morning, I’ve attended a session on Online Communities and Social Networks with a couple of interesting presentations on Facebook (will summarize later, sincer there’ll be some more sessions on SNS); right now I’m in a keynote by Linden Lab’s John Lester who is evangelizing about Second Life – some neat pictures in his presentation. I especially liked the photo of a professor lecturing, in the foreground a screen where someone is following the same lecture in second life, and in second life there is a videostream of the lecture, where you see the professor lecturing. Looked as confusing as it sounds.. :)

PS: Technorati lists already a couple of postings on the conference; in addition, Axel Bruns is liveblogging (sort of) right in front of me… :)

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